понедельник, 31 мая 2010 г.

To control the net.

Nowadays everyone knows what the Internet is. Although it is fairly widespread phenomenon, many people still consider that the Internet is a luxury thing.

I usually listen to the text more than 4 times.This is the only way for me to analyze all new information. The main idea of this audio is controlling the internet. Governments and companies want to control the net. For example, Apple controls the iPhone and restricts the ability of outside creators to put their own software on it. Harvard's Professor Jonathan Zittrain says that there are many companies and firms from all over the world worry about their goods advertised on the Internet.Why? Have you seen how much pornography , scenes of violence, banned video the internet includes?Thats why!Harvard's Professor Jonathan Zittrain also asserts that the enternet is like another world- with its advantages and disadvantages. Certainly this virtual world can be controlled and must be controlled.

In my opinion, people are very lucky with the Internet. I can not imagine how complicated would be our lives without a social network. Communication, quick orders food, clothes, instruments, various fun and interesting information- thanks to the Internet!! Yes, perhaps there is another side to this coin, but we are strong enough to deal with this other side: antivirus, safety programs, passwords and the others.

четверг, 13 мая 2010 г.

The importance of copyright.

Photographers who take famous pictures find them printed on t-shirts .Is it really honestly? I chose this audio because of relevance of the topic. Nowadays there is copyright infringement at every turn . I have listened this text for 3 times . All information was basically clear for me to understand .And now I’m going to retell the basic idea of this interview.

The main character, man who gives interview is Adrian Jones, history professor at the University of Chicago. He says a lot about morality and religion . He also says that when images were printed on paper it was easy to control ,but now new technology makes all laws inactive. When the interviewer asked him about ways to combat copyright infringement, he offers next option:a special system must be formed . Professor tells about one his friend -photographer, who followed by the fact that his photos would never published without his consent. But sometimes it happened and and then he had sued and won a judicial processes.

In my opinion ,we live in such time ,when we must fight for our rights every minute and every day. So that If you're a creator ,don’t let people drown you! Learn the laws that will protect you and whatever happens remember :you are unique and nobody dare to plagiarize your ideas: photographs, paintings, sculptures or thought- no matter.

суббота, 24 апреля 2010 г.

Volcanic ash cloud.

The cloud of volcanic ash drifting across Europe is continuing to make much of the continent a no-fly zone this week.It is the most discussed news.I chose this audio because of topicality of this theme. I have listened this text nearly 4 times.And I would like to say,that pretty much everything was clear for me to understand.
And now I’am ready to retail the content of this article.At the beginning of the text newscaster introduces us with the history of volcanic eruptions. According to his words, the same powerful volcanic eruption was in 1940.

Then we can hear a few monologues: citizens of different countries which were abroad on holiday or on business trip tell that they unable to return home.They are forced to live in airports and this is too difficult for them. These unfortunate people every minute waiting when the airports will begin to function.

By the way , in this audio we can hear about the fate of some airlines: in case of stopping a cash flow , a start-up companies with might and main try to survive.
As for me, I was unpleasantly surprised when this event happened. I always thought that in the 21 century we are in safety. Unfortunately there is another situation in our crazy world

воскресенье, 4 апреля 2010 г.

The terrible trade.

In which things we are often interested in ?We are usually interested in things, which excite us or let us think about the importance of being yourself. The audio that I chose is exactly pumps the gloom. But rain or shine ,in my opinion, people must discuss such serious questions .Audio track named «Suppliers of Human Bodies» . I have listened this text nearly 7 times. On the whole ,it was not so difficult for me to understand the meaning of this text.

Now I would like to represent to you the basic idea of this interview. As I said earlier, it was an interview. Lesley Curwen speaks to Michel Anteby, a Professor at Harvard University. There is a demand for human bodies, organs and tissues, for use by medical schools and by scientific companies. These companies offer financial support to families of the dead, arranging for the processing and transport of bodies or tissues, as well as final cremation. Michel Anteby tells that USA is a wonderful place to see an transplantation action and this is what they have done.

Is it good or not?How many people are an unwitting donors? And whether to agree to such a business? I am convinced that every man must have an answer to these questions in his own soul .

вторник, 30 марта 2010 г.

On the Watch List.

I usually listen to the text more than 5 times. This is the only way for me to analyze all new information.Audio track named «On the Watch List» was very interesting for me because of the theme which was discussed in it! Investment- what could be more interesting? last semester I wrote a term paper on this topic . Now then I would like to explain the main idea of this audio track.

Mohammed El-Erian is the chief executive of PIMCO, the Pacific Investment Management Company, which manages investments of all kinds worth more than a trillion dollars. Confidence in government bonds is at the heart of the debt crisis which has engulfed Greece and other European countries. Governments with big holes in their public finances increasingly need to raise money by selling bonds.
Mohammed El-Erian said «We recognize that Greece economic situation is difficult», after these words he added that Greece is the part of a much bigger phenomenon which would be some kind of headwind for the World Economy.

воскресенье, 14 марта 2010 г.

Nigeria's banks and Chinese investment.

i have listened this text nearly 8 times. I understood the meaning of the text at once, but first some details were unclear for me, due to the fact that the representative of Nigeria speak English with a very strong emphasis .After the fifth listening I could tell the whole essence of the interview..

I have listened to an interview with the representative of Nigeria, he talked about formalities and business between China and Nigeria. Most of the contracts is only a result of government initiatives of both countries. Instead of its Investments China requires the construction of railways and highway roads in the territory of Nigeria.But as Chinese investment is a major opportunity,the government of Nigeria can not ignore these conditions.