понедельник, 31 мая 2010 г.

To control the net.

Nowadays everyone knows what the Internet is. Although it is fairly widespread phenomenon, many people still consider that the Internet is a luxury thing.

I usually listen to the text more than 4 times.This is the only way for me to analyze all new information. The main idea of this audio is controlling the internet. Governments and companies want to control the net. For example, Apple controls the iPhone and restricts the ability of outside creators to put their own software on it. Harvard's Professor Jonathan Zittrain says that there are many companies and firms from all over the world worry about their goods advertised on the Internet.Why? Have you seen how much pornography , scenes of violence, banned video the internet includes?Thats why!Harvard's Professor Jonathan Zittrain also asserts that the enternet is like another world- with its advantages and disadvantages. Certainly this virtual world can be controlled and must be controlled.

In my opinion, people are very lucky with the Internet. I can not imagine how complicated would be our lives without a social network. Communication, quick orders food, clothes, instruments, various fun and interesting information- thanks to the Internet!! Yes, perhaps there is another side to this coin, but we are strong enough to deal with this other side: antivirus, safety programs, passwords and the others.

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