воскресенье, 4 апреля 2010 г.

The terrible trade.

In which things we are often interested in ?We are usually interested in things, which excite us or let us think about the importance of being yourself. The audio that I chose is exactly pumps the gloom. But rain or shine ,in my opinion, people must discuss such serious questions .Audio track named «Suppliers of Human Bodies» . I have listened this text nearly 7 times. On the whole ,it was not so difficult for me to understand the meaning of this text.

Now I would like to represent to you the basic idea of this interview. As I said earlier, it was an interview. Lesley Curwen speaks to Michel Anteby, a Professor at Harvard University. There is a demand for human bodies, organs and tissues, for use by medical schools and by scientific companies. These companies offer financial support to families of the dead, arranging for the processing and transport of bodies or tissues, as well as final cremation. Michel Anteby tells that USA is a wonderful place to see an transplantation action and this is what they have done.

Is it good or not?How many people are an unwitting donors? And whether to agree to such a business? I am convinced that every man must have an answer to these questions in his own soul .

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